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Amoeba Cloud
Bring real software

SME Pain Points

Lack Operational Data

Traditional records are prone to input errors and even data loss.

As organisations grow in size, the need for management increases dramatically.

Cozy Customised software

Tailor-made software is often expensive which puts a heavy financial burden on them.

Lack Flexible Solutions

Often, enterprise customers must purchase an entire software package that includes many additional features that are rarely used.


Flexible Subscription Solution

Comprehensive and flexible Cloud Solution that allows customers to configure and choose.

Warehouse Modules

Helps enterprises to manage warehouse inventory and logistics operations via functions like low inventory reminder, customized outbound and inbound columns, and statistics which could reduce inventory costs and improve logistics management.

Stocktake Modules

Able to stock take via desired data fields for you to optimize your inventory efficiency.

Support RFID and barcode for stocktaking also.

AI Chatbot

AI-powered chatbots can help handle internal enquiries and handle more complex tasks.

Goods Statistics

Low stock alert

Inventory Module

倉存模組 - 低庫存提醒

Replenishment alert when stock level is low.

倉存模組 - 自定義出庫入庫欄目

Customizable fields for stocktaking

You can set up the required contents for outgoing and incoming stock.

倉存模組 - 呆滯貨品統計

Remind user to follow up according to the date

倉存模組 - 靈活互換儲存單位

Flexible unit conversion

Multiple storage units can be converted automatically

倉存模組 - 智能出庫/入庫

Smart Goods In

Automatically assigns inventory locations to incoming and outgoing inventory

倉存模組 - 庫位管理

Storage location management

Three-level design, can check the inventory saturation level

Stocktaking Module

盤點模組 - 自定義數據欄目

Customizable fields

Set up storage columns and statistics as required.

盤點模組 - RFID盤點/搜索

RFID Inventory/Search

Supports RFID inventory/label searching.

盤點模組 - RFID/條碼標籤打印

RFID Label Printing

RFID and barcode label production with simple design interface.

Asset Management Module

物資管理模組 - 輕鬆導入大量資產

Easily import assets

Spreadsheet handling for importing

物資管理模組 - 審批借還機制

Borrow / Return

Able to set up approval mechanism to ensure security

物資管理模組 - 完整報表

Complete reporting

Explore the value of assets in your organisation

Want to know more and book a free demo?

We invite you to learn more about our products. If you are interested in scheduling a free demonstration, please feel free to contact us and we will arrange a personalised service for you.

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